Monday 8 November 2010

PUBLIC MEETING: Tax Justice and Left Unity

Invitation to discuss:

Tax Justice & Left Unity

7pm, Thursday 11 November
@ Socialist Centre, 86 Princes Street, 
Onehunga, Auckland

Intro speaker: Vaughan Gunson, Tax Justice campaign coordinator
& Socialist Worker national chair

The meeting is hosted by Socialist Worker.
Light refreshments and hospitality will be served.

  • Grassroots people are struggling. Food prices are going through the roof. There's simmering anger at National's GST hike. Will GST off food be a cut-through political issue next year?
  • Can the demands of the Tax Justice campaign, to remove GST from food and tax financial speculation instead, be won? Would this put a significant dent in the neo-liberal economic model?
  • 20,000 signatures have been collected for the Tax Justice petition. How can we build on this and break the campaign into national consciousness?
  • What role can the Tax Justice campaign play in popularising an economic alternative to neo-liberalism?
  • Could a popular Tax Justice campaign be one element in helping to bring about the much needed unity of left forces in NZ?
These and other questions will be discussed after a short intro by Vaughan. The emphasis will be on open discussion and networking. The discussion won't be restricted to the demands and strategy of the Tax Justice campaign. Wider input on the challenges of building a left alternative to neo-liberalism, and what vehicles might best achieve this, are encouraged. Bring your two cents worth!

For more info contact,

Vaughan Gunson
021-0415 082

*Join the Tax Justice campaign Facebook group.

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