Wednesday 10 November 2010

‘NZ Not for Sale’ campaign to oppose trade agreement

Media release New Zealand Not For Sale Campaign

The New Zealand Not For Sale Campaign will be formally launched in Christchurch on November 11, in conjunction with the launch of Professor Jane Kelsey’s book on the Transpacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement.

The NZ Not For Sale Campaign has been set up to oppose the Transpacific Partnership because it is against New Zealand’s best economic, environmental and social interests.

“The trade agreements we already have are linked with high international debt, job losses, asset stripping, risky speculation, increasing sales of land to overseas owners, running down public assets and services, and loss of tino rangatiratanga and national sovereignty’’, says the Campaign Secretary, Dr Christine Dann.

The TPP would make things a lot worse, Dr Dann says. It opens the door for
* steep rises in the price of medicines,
* the total loss of the local content provision in broadcasting,
* even weaker controls on overseas investment in NZ
* foreign investors suing the government for millions in offshore tribunals
* weaker regulation of the financial sector
* more transnational control of essential services
* undermining action on climate change, and
* further delays and restrictions on agricultural market access to the US.

“The people of New Zealand are getting sick and tired of successive governments putting the interests of dodgy, price-gouging foreign owners and investors ahead of what really matters in building a great country - a healthy natural environment, worthwhile, decently-paid work for all, and a fair and caring society’’, says Dr Dann.

The Campaign has opened a Statement of Sovereignty petition (text below) for the public to sign. The closing date for signatures is 4 July 2011.
Contact: Christine Dann
Organisations supporting the campaign can be seen at’s-involved/

CAMPAIGN LAUNCH DETAILSThursday, 11th  November
Knox Hall – cnr Bealey Ave & Victoria St
7.00pm (drinks & nibbles)
7.30pm talks by Jane Kelsey and Lori Wallach
9.00 Campaign Launch

Statement of Sovereignty

We the undersigned citizens and permanent residents of New Zealand call upon the Government of New Zealand

 • to cease negotiations on the Transpacific Partnership agreement; and

 • to not sign this agreement; and

 • to cease work on any other in-progress or proposed international trade and investment treaties containing clauses which limit or abrogate New Zealand’s sovereign and democratic right to make and enforce laws and regulations and provide services which differ from those of other states or transnational organisations.

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