Monday 26 July 2010

CTU calls Fairness at Work Rallies for 21st August

Please note that the CTU is holding Fairness at Work Rallies in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin on Saturday 21st August from 1 pm to 3 pm.
Exact venues for the march and rallies are to be confirmed.
These rallies are aimed at:
(a)   Demonstrating our concern about employment law changes proposed by the Government.
(b)   Reaching out to the wider community to get support for Fairness at Work.
At a planning meeting today, we have discussed advertising for the rallies, a leaflet aimed at the general public to be distributed prior to the rallies, placards, flags and banners for the rallies, on-the-ground organisation for each rally including marshals, speakers, sound system, and so forth.
The CTU will be supplying Fairness at Work flags and placards on the day.
A further campaign meeting for affiliates is scheduled for:
Friday, 6th August, 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, CTU office Wellington with videoconference link to CTU Office, Auckland. Affiliates are asked to bring along any planning they have done for getting members to these rallies.
The rallies are only one aspect of the Fairness at Work Campaign. Unions are holding discussions on combined activity. Planning is already under way for Helen Kelly to visit regional centres for a day including meeting affiliates, a site meeting, media and public events. Many more activities are planned.
We have also released correspondence to John Key today.
Further information will be sent out soon about the rallies.
Peter Conway
New Zealand Council of Trade Unions - Te Kauae Kaimahi
P O Box 6645
+64 4 8023816
mobile 0274 939 748


Anonymous said...

This is more like it.

Note to self:

I must comment on this website more often.

David said...

Yes, please do. The more comments the better.

This Day of Action is a good first step, the minimum anyone would expect.

Unite Union said...