Monday 28 March 2011


Venue: Socialist Centre, 86 Princes Street, Onehunga, Auckland.

Friday 22 April

P U B L I C    M E E T I N G:

terminal 5
How Arab revolutions and unnatural disasters
fit with the five terminal crises of global capitalism

Speaker: Grant Morgan

7.00pm @ Socialist Centre, 86 Princes Street, 
Onehunga, Auckland.

Saturday 23 April

Conference start time: 9.00am

D R A F T   A G E N D A :

1. Theorising and popularising our analysis of capitalism’s terminal crisis

2. Broad ecosocialist network today, broad left party tomorrow

3. Election of new central committee

4. Tax Justice campaign

5. PUBLIC MEETING: Left unity in Aotearoa (4pm)
Public meeting open to all leftists on how we can progress greater left unity in New Zealand.

Evening social at the Socialist Centre. Shared food and drink.

If you would like to join Socialist Worker and attend our conference, please contact Vaughan Gunson, email or phone 021-0415 082.

If you are going to attend one or both of the two public meetings open to all New Zealand leftists, please also contact Vaughan Gunson email or phone 021-0415 082. Just so we can get an idea of numbers.

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