Monday, 3 October 2011

Wallstreet video: Nobody can predict the moment of revolution

Nobody Can Predict The Moment Of Revolution from ivarad on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Andrey said...

As a retired librarian & Associate Professor I'm in full support of the ongoing “Occupy Wall St.” assemblies by the many “Occupy” groups that continue gathering around the US and around the World.

We all need to work to curb the continuing unlawful, violent POLICE actions against OWS-type demonstrators, so that the authorities really follow the Law! Elected officials should direct law enforcement forces to “stand down” and insure that all government authorities act fairly and peacefully during this protracted US economic-political crisis.

The continuing, expanding, increasingly negative and forceful interference that many OWS activities are increasingly encountering from various governmental authorities are totally unacceptable in our US Constitutional political system; they are also unacceptable according to any decent Human Rights criteria (UN, etc.) World-wide, for that matter.